on-line time tracking solution
 Personal Account Demo
Personal Account gives you a place to track your time, being your personal or work time. Track your work by projects and tasks, calculate costs, send reports by email and more. myHours is web based and can be used from any location at any time.

Web based
myHours is completely web based. There is no need for any hardware or software installation. Register for free, get your account and start using myHours now.

Use MHlite for real time tracking. MHlite is really compact and simple to use. It can do all time tracking without any need for other myHours services. This means that the operation is easy and your work is not disturbed. At the end of the month simply login to myHours and get reports...

Projects, Tasks
myHours allows you to track projects and tasks. Projects can be grouped by client if needed. Tasks can be grouped by category. Rates can be defined for projects and tasks to be used when calculating costs - job-costing.

Different reports are available. Get your basic time sheet or time sheet by project and task. Group data by project or task. Reports give you job costing functionality by calculating costs.

myHours offers different personalization features. For example, select your country-location to automatically set your date and currency formats.


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